Oh another fun collab with Katkatcreations and Lil*Beans*Boutique2... well it was suppose to all play out for the BVIP collaboration from awhile back, but you know how life gets in the way and we all get busy so it took a bit longer than expected, but it sure did turn out cute!!! I just love this robot knit that was the inspiration I sent to Beth, then she did her magic with her embroidery machine---well that wasn't too magical for her--- but eventually it all turned out and they are just too cute...so I got the pants back and then threw together this cute little knit top, and well finally Quintin was able to wear his robot shoes...for months I have had to hide them from him, or when he found them tell him they were off limits, so finally he had his chance!!! And well as for those tops, expect some more great knits in the near future, I have a bin full to use, and I just love how they turned out and well the Q man likes them too so they are a quick and fun to make!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Little House on the Prairie the Book....
Okay, so I must admit that I had this set made, and pictures taken with backdrops from our beautiful trip to Blackwater Falls, WV...and I was trying to figure out if I could make it work for one of my launchs...I had two book launches, a BTS launch, and a sunshine launch...well with any imagination you can make things work...so as a girl what was my favorite TV show...well it was Little House on the Prairie, and well what did my parents use as punishment when I did bad--as if I did bad;)--okay so I had a bit of a smart mouth, but yes that is right I was grounded from watching the Little House...oh how sad and even if I tried and peaked from the corner of the stairs to get a glimpse...nope I would get caught so back to my room I went. So needless to say it was a favorite and well I just loved this outfit made from Prairie Gothic, in fact it is a keeper as Bri liked it too!!! So Prairie...Prairie...what has Prairie in a book...hmmm Little House on the Prairie does!!! YEAH I found a connection:) I can list with a purpose and a plan...and everyone will think I was a master plan all along...if only they knew how little I planned!!!
Okay so take a look at my listing, I am sure you will like and the beautiful background is from our stay at Blackbear resort in wild and wonderful WV!!!!

MAD GENIE, I say he is MAD!!!!!
So about a month ago, I got a knock on my door and it was the postman wanting me to sign for a very important box... a box of goodies from Germany. I signed and well opened my treasure box of fabrics.... oh the insanity of it all. I had found a certain fabric over on ebay Germany that I just had to have Mr. Q...and what you know I lost...well at the same time I decided to bid on another one of the seller's fabrics...and well what you know I lost...not a good story, until I got a second chance. And then I got to know the seller...and she showed me her fabric goodies, and well after taking the second chance that should have only cost me a few dollars...I ended up with a box full of fabrics that well cost a little more than a few dollars:) LOL...so I am all giddie trying to think of new ideas and ways to use these new fabrics...and well I just had to start off with my GOT TO HAVE it fabric the MAD GENIE.... with dragon and genies and towers and swords...how could my little man not love it;) Then Sarah of Windyday*jewelrey wrote and asked me if I would like to work with her for the VendeMia sunshine launch...hmm I would love to work with her talent...so I told her my plans of the Genie fabric and well it has a sun in it...can I make it stretch for a sunshine launch. YES I think I can...so she got some pics and went off to bake her beads and came up with this super cute necklace with a Mad Genie and well maybe I wasn't necessarily heading that direction but yes this was awesome, so we were going to make it work and what better theme than the LAND of the RISING SUN!!! Perfect and out of the box....so I put together my outfit rather quickly and got some pretty good pics of my little man... so it is now listed so please check it out as I am rather proud of this outfit and how it came together.
On top is a ring of fire...
Brings us to the land of the Rising Sun...
Dragons and Swords for fights of love...
Puff, Puff...the Genie has arose...
Arose from the ashes and buildings...
Arose from the darkness...
Eyes adjust to the land of the sun...
The bright red sun, a round glow...
The Genie is Mad...Mad I say...
And this super awesome genie necklace by Sarah
And well super awesome friend Shawnta of Mamigirlboutique made us these shoes awhile ago and they go perfect with the outfit so I couldn't resist to add them to the mix!!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Fairycakes Marionettes... a little bit of photography!!!
This was a fun launch because it made you think outside the box...basically you could design anything, but had to present as a Marionette design!!! My model had a lot of fun being a little puppet, and surprisingly she seemed to know how to be a puppet without any guidance. OF course she loved the makeup and getting dressed up for the part...never though my old Mary Kay makeup and samples would come in handy, but just raided the MK closet rather than going to the store!!! I am not the best make up artist, and well toddlers like to move around and talk so it makes for a challenge drawing a straight line, but I think we will do more theme like this so we can get more exciting aucitons.
Harajuku girls...I just adore this fabric and well I just couldn't think of what to do with it, so I came up with a tank and had it sit around the sewing room for a good bit of time, so when this launch was fast approaching I decided to grab some jeans that would match with the tank, and make a cute pair of deco jeans...maybe not the most advanced desing, but it was a fun one and well add a little fish net arm leggings and it was a hit with Ms. Briauna...in fact she asked to keep the arm leggings...and well I decided to list the set ready to ship...and what you know it sold within the hour!!! Yeah, so to keep up on target with the launch, I decided to relist it as a custom, so now you can get this any size you want!!!
Oh Christmas Tree...In JUNE!!! Yikes the yuletimes are months away, but my little Christmas girl wants to believe it is December tomorrow, in fact this week she requested to wear her Snowman dress to daycare, so this outfit is already hit--- in fact when asked to design to the T I suggest Minnie Mouse or a Christmas Tree, and right away it was a Christmas Tree please!!! So she just loves this outfit and has claimed it, and despite being 80 degrees today has worn it all day!!! Oh the little things...but Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...so red and white all over.
Harajuku girls...I just adore this fabric and well I just couldn't think of what to do with it, so I came up with a tank and had it sit around the sewing room for a good bit of time, so when this launch was fast approaching I decided to grab some jeans that would match with the tank, and make a cute pair of deco jeans...maybe not the most advanced desing, but it was a fun one and well add a little fish net arm leggings and it was a hit with Ms. Briauna...in fact she asked to keep the arm leggings...and well I decided to list the set ready to ship...and what you know it sold within the hour!!! Yeah, so to keep up on target with the launch, I decided to relist it as a custom, so now you can get this any size you want!!!
Oh Christmas Tree...In JUNE!!! Yikes the yuletimes are months away, but my little Christmas girl wants to believe it is December tomorrow, in fact this week she requested to wear her Snowman dress to daycare, so this outfit is already hit--- in fact when asked to design to the T I suggest Minnie Mouse or a Christmas Tree, and right away it was a Christmas Tree please!!! So she just loves this outfit and has claimed it, and despite being 80 degrees today has worn it all day!!! Oh the little things...but Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...so red and white all over.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
VendeMia Birds and the Bees Launch!!!
Well I was finally able to get up my two listings for this fun launch that has such a great template for inspiration--- I just loved the Prairie Gothic fabric and knew I had to use it for this launch. In my sewing room, I have several fabric pieces lying around that were initially cut for another project, but after cut I just didn't like how the looked with that fabric mix so I changed my mind-- something that is not hard to do...so anyways since I have cut so many vidas lately I have so many missing pieces that need a home...so I just happened to have two bee back pieces...so I decided to go two different directions and well one is paired with the Prairie Gothic and bird fabrics...the other is completely BEE and all black/yellow and white!!!
Anyways, I have more plans to use the Prairie Gothic but I am going to save it for a back to school launch....this was a fabric gotten for me by a good friend customer who was ordering fabric and asked if I needed any--- like I need any--- but I sure did want it, so she bought it for me and well bought some for her, then sent me both fabrics and in exchange I am making a few pieces for her--- I have finished one and well got a skirt left to do--- best get on that NOW!!! Anyways, thanks for the fabric inspiration I!!!
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