Well I did lots and lots of cutting this weekend...and my hands are a bit sore, but I have made some headway into my orders that I have to get complete. And well I did some Halloween appliques, and everything is looking so cute, I can't wait to finish.
I did steal a few hours and went with the family to the county fair on Saturday night, but my children did not want to behanve, and we had to leave. I thought we might get to catch a bit of the truck and tractor pull...what a county fair even...but nope they couldn't stop fighting over the toys we bought them. I suppose they are spoiled way too much---Quintin wanted the bubble gun, and then Briauna wanted the trumpet, but after we paid for everything, Quintin changed his mind and now wanted the trumput, and well Briauna still wanted the trumpet, so they seemed to fight over a trumput all over the fairgrounds, and well when they weren't fighting they were blowing the trumpet so I am not so sure which noise was more pleasant. Well the toys were taken away, after several threats, and well we gave up and left---oh the joys of raising toddlers!!! LOL, but we did have a good time what little time was there, and petted lots of animals, and well scared a few, and well was scared by even more...so I would still say it was a successful getaway, and well there is always next year!!!
I did get a chance to look into the craft tent, and saw the blue ribbons for sewing and children's clothes, and well I think my outfits are a little more creative, maybe I should try and enter or at least figure out how to enter. It could be fun, but I never did last long in 4H back when I was a little girl:).
Well I have a few sample sales going on, so take a look and grab a few deals, as I am trying to destash my stash, and well I still have lots more stash!!!
Grinch T
Ginger Blossom set
Thanksgiving vida