I just love this time of year...it is my favorite. The weather starts to cool, but you still have beautiful sunny days, and the leaves begin to change and there is just so much color!!! Loads of color everywhere around you. Well Saturday is family day in our household as it happens to be the only day off we share together, so we try and do something together, but the past weekends ended up being a bust as it was rainy, and even if we had plans we were still trying to go apple picking and to the pumpkin patch...so finally we woke up on Halloween and it was a beautiful day, just gorgeous and sunny...just opposite of the cloudy weather prediction!!! So we had big plans, but decided Q man needed a nap first, as the morning I used to finish up some orders...plus it is always best if he gets a nap anyways:) So he takes a nap, wakes up and all is well and still looks great...what happens we all get out to the car and the clouds roll in quickly and now the rain hits, yep it starts raining...well we still decided to go driving and headed towards the patch. We got there and it was still raining but looked as if it would blow over, so we headed into the barn store to look for some goodies...found some jam and apples...well the apple trees were bare so no apple picking but at least they has some fresh apple bags so we grabbed those and then it stopped raining...so why not...lets go to the muddy pumpkin patch afterall sometimes you just have to get dirty to have fun!!! So Q decided to grab the wagon and off we went---incidently I made him the super cute Jack outfit but not two months ago and it fit perfect, well I put it on him for the big day and well it didn't fit...way too short...normally I don't go for the high water boy look but afterall that work and it was just one day, I decided he could wear it---there is an advantage to high waters in muddy pumpkin patches...you avoid most of the mud;) So that was perfect for Q!!!
Anyways, it was a great time, and afterwards we drove to the town next to us and grabbed some sweet goodies at the Bakery and then we drove home...happened to get rear ended at a traffic light, so spent some time getting insurance information, luckily no one was hurt including the car so we continued home just in time for trick or treating. It was still drizzling a bit so we didn't know if trick or treating would occur, but the clouds cleared up and the kids were able to go around the neighborhood and got loads of candy!!! They ended up wearing the pumpkin patch outfits, as we ended up with no time to change into costume, but that is okay they dressed up for the school party that was the day before so they still had a blast!!!

1 comment:
Beautifuuul photos!
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