Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Sunday with nothing to list...OH MY!!!

Well it seems like every week, I get to Sunday my first day back to work after my weekend, and I have a few things to list, as I was able to get out with my camera...well not so much today. I was busy this week running to the post office deliverying hundred or so packages of resells!!! YIKES, I think my daughter has too much clothing--- can there be too much with a mother that sews and shops!!! And I think I have warped my child's sense of this time it is 90 some degrees outside and she is putting on jackets and long shirts and jeans to wear to school...after minutes of explaining that she will be hot and sweat all day I finally convince her that she needs to find a tank and shorts!! Could it be that I am already sewing in the midst of fall season and soon to be Christmas that she thinks it is cold outside...LOL... and then of course come winter time she is wanting to be in tank dresses and jeans!!!

Well I still have more to sell...I have yet to hit the boxes for Quintin's clothes, but those are not as big and then I have to go through everything and figure out if it is sellable as well he seems to be all boy and can't keep anything clean!!!

Well stayed tuned--- I have a few things I am working on in the sewing room, and finishing up my custom orders, so I should be back in the swing of listing designs in a few days....until then I will still be making trips to the post office trying to clear out the old...and well the post office keeps bringing us packages too so guess I am bringing in the new too!!!

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